Thursday, February 29, 2024

The war built on lies


In the well-known book series The Hunger Games, and in this case, the third book Mockingjay, the war between the Capitol and the rebels isn't a normal war, in the end, there aren't many battles but the war still manages to break many people. The reason that this war has a major effect on the people of Panem is for one main reason, fear, this war, and many different wars thrive off of fear, the Capitol gives itself an image of power that has dominated all of Panem for many years which makes people fearful to rebel. But there is one thing that gives people hope, in place of that fear, Katniss, who managed to escape the Hunger Games with other tributes, who the rebels make sure to use. Katniss is a sign of hope to rebels and people who don't like the ways of the Capitol, so the rebels make sure to broadcast her existence all over Panem.

At first, the rebels try to stage and script Katniss's existence, they see her as a tool they can use in this war, which is why they take to her high demands when she refuses to be "the Mockingjay" unless they meet her demands, which is another thing, they see her as the Mockingjay, just like the rest of Panem, not Katniss Everdeen, but the Mockingjay, a symbol, a tool. But the Capitol has its own tool, Peeta, the Capitol feeds Peeta with lies that fuel him to let the Capitol record its own videos spreading propaganda, videos of Peeta pleading with the rebels to have a ceasefire he is the Capitol's Mockingjay. 

Most of the war is the recording of videos, which is all both sides seem to think about, Katniss is present at the site of Capitol destruction in District 8 until bombers come to kill any survivors that are still alive in the hospital that she is visiting. As soon as the bombers are spotted Katniss's bodyguards take defensive actions, protecting Katniss and leaving the rest of District 8 to die, but Katniss and her friend Gale help destroy the bombers. When the fight is over, instead of going straight to the wounded and weak, Katniss's team makes sure to record a video of her giving an inspirational speech about how the rebels need to stand up to the Capitol. The back and forth between Katniss's and Peeta's propaganda continues for a while until the rebels hatch a plan to free Peeta, the Capitol's number one weapon. Peeta is successfully rescued but he is extremely violent towards Katniss because of all the lies that the Capitol fed him.

Soon after Peeta's recapture the rebels plan to storm the Capitol, a small group is deployed to go into the Capitol, but after some complications of some of the crew members dying, Peeta is deployed to the group, although still not being mentally stable. There are a few complications between Katniss and Peeta during the mission, but one thing I like about this part is the game they play when both Katniss and Peeta are sitting awake: real or not real. The significance of this game is Peeta asking Katniss if something is real or not, I liked this because that was how I felt when I was reading the book, what was real at this point. But the worst part is coming when they finally get to the center of the Capitol where they plan to launch the attack, but President Snow uses the citizens to protect his mansion, calling them to his mansion, and putting the children at the front. Supply drops that were meant for the hunger games were then dropped on the children, thinking they were aid they went for them, but then the drops exploded, killing many, as I read I expected there to be a huge battle after this, but there wasn't the Capitol was incredibly weak and the rebels managed to take the Capitol with ease. There was no fight, all the propaganda and videos but nothing to show for it, this book really shows how much fear contributes to the deciding side of wars.

1 comment:

  1. I really liked how you showed fear in the books by using examples. The analysis of how the videos itself created enough fear and uprising to take over a corrupt government is very interesting.


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