Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Dex and Sophie. Besties for Life.

Cadence Scheunemann

Dexter Alvin Dizznee, known best as Dex, is Sophie's best friend in Keeper of the Lost Cities. Sophie, the main character, was raised in the forbidden cities (the place where humans reside). Sophie didn't know why she felt out of place around her family, when suddenly, *spoiler alert* she was told she is an elf! Elves are beings that have nearly immeasurable lifespans and powers such as telepathy (being able to read others minds) and conjuring (snapping objects out of thin air). Dex is Sophie's cousin by adoption and one of the first people to be kind to her in the Lost Cities (the name of the elvin world). Their relationship is shown marvelously through Shannon Messenger's words as Dex's character develops through every description.

After learning Sophie was in fact not human she then settles into her new home in the elvin world. When the doctor tells her she needs to purify her cells, Sophie's foster mom (soon to be adopted mom) takes her to gets some medicines from Slurps and Burps. This scene is where Sophie meets Dex for the first time in the apothecary store he helps his dad run. Dex is a strawberry-blonde elf with periwinkle eyes. Him and Sophie bond over a prank Dex pulled on a class bully, mixing her shampoo with shaving gel and rendering her bald. The first time he met Sophie, Dex "leaned close to [Sophie's] face and pointed to her eyes... 'I've never seen brown before. I like it.' She could feel her cheeks blush. 'Actually, I just have brown eyes.' 'Really? Excellent'"(Messenger 146). This is really nice of Dex to say because all elves have blue eyes. The fact that Sophie's eyes are a different color made her especially nervous about meeting new people, but Dex helped to warm her up to others. Dex's kindness towards Sophie right when they meet and beyond allows them to bond closely throughout the series. Both needing a friend, Dex reaches out to Sophie later on and comes to visit her with his mom (Sophie's adopted aunt). Dex is a great supporting figure in Sophie's life and he knows how to make her smile.

Dex is such an awesome friend to Sophie throughout the whole Keeper of the Lost Cities series, in book one especially. Sophie has a bad falling out with one of her other friends near the middle of the book and a large plot twist occurs when she goes to cry in the caves near her house. Dex comes to the caves to check on how Sophie is doing and something big goes down. Throughout the whole next couple of scenes, Dex is right there with Sophie through every twist and turn, supporting her in any way he can. He is caught up in the drama because he won't ever give up on helping Sophie.

Dex and Sophie take a dangerous, non-voluntary, adventure at the end of the book. In an effort to help his friend, Dex ends up getting burned, and hurt by a Pyrokenetic. Dex successfully helps Sophie and proves how loyal of a friend he is by convincing her to trust him. Dex's kindness, trust, and thoughtfulness proves he is the perfect best friend for Sophie through all the ins and outs of friendship.


  1. I really like how you describe the relationships between Dex and Sophie. You also do a good job explaining the worldbuilding so that the reader would understand the world that Sophie was placed in. Also, thanks for trying not to spoil too much, I will definitely add this to my reading list.

  2. Heya Cadence, great blog post! I like how thoroughly you prove (I am fully convinced) how great Dex is as a friend to Sophie. You also did a good job of letting me understand what was going on in the story, as I could follow along easily.

  3. I liked how you didn't spoil the book but still were able to describe how good of friends Dex and Sophie are. I liked how yo described how Dex sacrificed his safety for Sophie. I also liked how deeply you described each character.


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