Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Do You Like Horror Movies?


I never really liked horror movies, I never really saw the point in being scared out of your mind just for the fun of it. My family had similar views as me so we never really watched anything so I never got to experience a horror movie, whenever an add for a horror movie came on when I was watching TV or whatever it always looked pretty cheap and didn't seem to have much of plot. I was scared of a lot of things as a kid so these types of movies didn't really interest me anyway. Another reason that I never really watched horror movies was because the message isn't always great, given that they're meant to be scary they don't always have a good resolution and are basically plotless.

The first horror movie I watched was when me and my friends watched Annabelle together, and this basically met my expectations of what I thought a horror movie would be, a bunch of jump scares with little to no plot. Another thing I didn't like about this movie was the bad message it gave, with usage of the devil and other types of demons it seems to give power to the devil, which I believe isn't true. The characters also seemed pretty dumb, doing things that are very irrational in the situation they were in. It was fun to watch with friends but I definitely wouldn't have chosen to watch it on a separate occasion. 

The next horror movie that I watched was once again with my friends, but this time the experience was different. We watched the movie Get Out, which was a very interesting movie, from the start this movie felt like it had a little more life to it, starting like a pretty typical movie, as opposed to Annabelle which basically went straight into scary parts. The plot developed very well and was very intriguing, while still incorporating a sense of horror into it, but this time the horror was less jump scares and more actual scary parts that made sense. As the plot went on we learned more about the characters as the developed, near the end there were a couple of crazy plot twist which led to the climax of the movie, which was very entertaining. The movie had a very action packed ending which led to a very well planned ending that fit the movie very well.

In conclusion, my views on most horror movies hasn't changed, but I have learned that horror movies have something to add to the picture. As Annabelle helped support my original thought that horror movies are just mindless movies that are just for people who liked to be scared, but Get Out made me realize that horror movies can have genuine plots with good movie writing. Get out was a very thought provoking movie that is one of my favorite movies that isn't part of a series, while Annabelle was, in my eyes, more a movie just for the scares, and is one of my least favorite movies that I have ever watched. Overall, a horror movie might not be my first choice when picking a movie to watch, but I am open to movies that have more of a plot and structured characters, even if it is a horror movie.

- Erik Fahnestock


  1. I actually just read a synopsis of Get Out recently, and I agree that the framing of horror movies really matter. It had a nice buildup and a lot of context to go after, and it left me shook at the end. It was also very thought-provoking for me, and it left an impression on me. I don't typically like horror movies, but sometimes they are impactful with their message.

  2. I do enjoy watching horror movies but I totally understand your opinion. Thriller movies like Annabelle can be made cheaply, and without plot. Personally, I prefer psychological horror movies like Get Out because of the same points you raised. It's definitely important to know what horror movies you like if you want to watch them.


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