Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Character Evaluation of Pip - Good Girl, Bad Blood


The Character Evaluation of Pip

Good Girl Bad Blood

By Emma Hendricks

To start off, Good Girl Bad Blood is the second book in the series, so I’m going to make some connections from the first book to the second book. So, getting into Pip’s character. In the first book Pip decides to try to solve a murder case that went cold for her senior capstone project. She is a really smart kid and has always had near perfect grades with no trouble. When she first takes up the task it seems harmless and she seems to enjoy the thrill of following each clue she finds. But as she continues she begins to get threats and doesn’t tell anyone which puts her in danger. And eventually she starts putting herself in dangerous situations with little thought about herself because she is so immersed in the case. 

After the case and all the danger she put herself through, her parents have her promise to focus on school and not get into any more trouble. But as you can guess she is not great at listening. Pip is very determined and in moments sneaky and conniving. As we start the second book we can tell that Pip isn’t really the same since the case, and others see her differently because she was so willing to do whatever necessary to solve it. She does happen to make a friend, Ravi along the way that helps her and they become inseparable. Though as the case is over she is still getting the occasional threats from people and just continues with school feeling a little less passionate about it.

A few chapters later one of Pip’s best friends goes missing and she has to really contemplate whether the emotional and physical pain is worth it. But, in the end she doesn’t want to let down her friend and starts to work on the case. It begins to concern her parents as they are still upset about last time and she doesn't want to listen to what they say. As she continues with the case and some things go wrong she starts to distance herself and gets angry at others, including Ravi who’s been with her and helped her through everything. Later, she even tried to fight one of her close friends at school resulting in suspension. Her parents start to get scared for her, as she lets her grades slip and comes late to school. Her mom is the most concerned because she knows how long Pip had been working to get into Cambridge for college.

In the end Pip has already gone through so much and is shaken to her core from everything she witnessed and dealt with. With all the knowledge she has and trauma she got from both cases it’s obvious she isn’t the same as she was two years ago. Overall Pip now doesn’t push herself as much in school, has lasting trauma, and also has made many enemies in her town whether purposeful or not. She was considered to be a pretty quiet and attentive. But this changed to her being quiet in a new way kind of hiding a bit and only being loud to speak out about cases. I think Pip has grown as a character to be more defensive and isn’t seen as a little kid anymore because of everything she has done.  

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