Tuesday, December 12, 2023

How do you define “family”?

 How do you define “family”?

By: Emma Hendricks

Trying to define family is sometimes difficult for me. There is close family and family you see every once in a while. Additionally, for me there is family who I’ve never met but my dad still wants me to acknowledge and talk to. So awkwardness is  a given. A small amount of my family lives in Illinois with me but the rest are spread out in different areas. I can visit them occasionally but it still is a bit weird since. I don’t see them and know them like my everyday family.

I think that a huge part of defining family is how they treat you. My close family is able to joke around with me and have fun and isn’t uptight and awkward. With some of my other family we argue a lot and it just isn’t as enjoyable to hang out with them. You should be able to feel comfortable and free to mess around and not have to hold yourself back. When you’re upset they’ll know just how to cheer you up. And  they know everything you like and do. 

There’s also my family in New York who I’m technically not blood related to in anyway but we still visit them. It’s always a little bit odd to visit them because we only see them once every two years and when we do its for a few days. They also aren’t very inclusive with my mom or I which really puts the cherry on top for things to be uncomfortable. But then there is the opposite, my dad Patrick. I get to visit him around once a year, twice if I’m lucky and even though I don’t see him a lot he knows just how to make me feel at home every time. He has all the traditions for us to do when I see him and there is never an awkward moment no matter how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other.  

So I would say that defining family isn’t so simple but that your family should make you feel included, and allow you to have fun and be yourself. Because there really is a difference between family and just people that you call family because you are related. It’s defined in the way they treat you and understand you as a person. In my opinion I consider family I talk to the most and I’m confortable with all the time to be my true family. Otherwise they just seem like people who happen to be related to me.


  1. Nice one Emma! This is a fire blog post!! I completely agree with you, family isn't simple but in fact a bit complicated. The point that you made that family should be inclusive resonates with me.

  2. Hi Emma! I really enjoyed the way you answered the question! I loved your final analysis of the question, when you define family as the way they treat you rather than strictly related. Your writing is very thoughtful and articulate. Great Job!!

  3. I really like your points! I definitely agree with you, I have close sides of my family and not-so close sides of my family. You did a good job on carrying the argument throughout the entire post. AMAZING JOB!

  4. You made so many great points! I thought it was cool you touched on every aspect of your family and then said how they felt like family to you. I never would have thought of doing that with this prompt.

  5. The prompt immediately caught my eye and drew me to your post. I think your way of answering the question makes a very good point, and I completely agree with it. Your post made me really think about my family and myself as a family member. Great job!


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